Blinky Palermo wears a Comet Kohoutek t-shirt in the above photograph from 1975 by Dietmar Schneider. Palermo is standing in front of his triangle diptych Ohne Titel (gewidmet Thelonious Monk), 1973.

According to Wikipedia, “Comet Kohoutek is a comet that passed close to the Sun towards the end of 1973. Early predictions of the comet's peak brightness suggested that it had the potential to become one of the brightest comets of the 20th century, capturing the attention of the wider public and the press and earning the comet the moniker of "Comet of the Century".

The design of this shirt was recreated to match the original in the photograph. 

$30 plus shipping

Currently available sizes are S, M and Large. Just let me know via email what size you want.